Visitor Comments
Sometimes we get e-mail about articles on this web site. We wanted to share some of them with you:
- "Regarding your 3Com GSM PCMCIA article; Thanks for the info. One of my users asked about this today and you have given me a place to start," Eric Brand, Network Administrator, Carotek, Inc.
- "I just read your Software Review: It's Never Too Late To File Your Taxes and it is undoubtedly the best review on this subject I have seen. Thanks for clear review and sound advice," Lloyd Adams
- "About your WinXP Revisited article - Thanks to your article, I may actually get some sleep tonight. Thanks for taking the time to write the review." Jeanne Brink
- She then wrote the next day: "Follow-up :) The whole fix took less than two minutes. I'm still sitting here totally aghast. Thanks again for your article."
- "Just read your story about Pets and Children and I totally agree! My husband and I have chosen not to have children and sometimes we feel like we are members of a local freak show. There is nothing wrong with us and we like children we just don't want all that goes along with them. We have two beautiful dogs, whom we love and they fill our lives with love and happiness. I sometimes wonder if people with children ever realize how boring they are to everyone else. They rarely read a newspaper, watch the news or even care about what is going on in the world. Their whole world seems to revolve around Soccer and School Fundraisers. I especially detest people who have animals and shove them aside once they have children. Thanks for the article -- it's nice to know there are more of us 'childless freaks' out there." E.R.
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